TV Tuesday

Home Shows

We’ve(Insane Faery) been doing a lot of redecorating around our home lately and checking out some of the home decorating shows, I’d never really watched them before but have found a few kind of interesting so this week Home shows are in the spotlight!

1. Do you watch home shows regularly? If so, which ones?

I wouldn’t say that I watch any of them regularily–as in going out of my way to view them. But I do enjoy While You Were Out, Trading Spaces and some of those other home improvement shows. Also, Design on a Dime is good because it seesm to present some more realistic ways to design your home that are pratical and not as costly.

2. Have you ever followed a tip that you learned from a home show or TV?

I saw a show a week or so ago that repainted an end table in a way I may try on a bookshelf I picked up at a yard sale.

3. What is the best (worst,stupidest,coolest…) thing you’ve ever seen on a home show?

There was an episode of Trading Spaces where they nailed moss to the wall. There was also an old episode of Hometime where Dean and his female co-host were working on a project. Dean sits down to have an ice cold soda on a cooler while the co-host is in the background working hard. We see the co-host realize that Dean is slacking and give him this dirty look…I just thought that was classic.

~Bonus~ If your home had it’s own show what would it be called? Why?

I’d have one that is for ordinary joes, like myself. I’d love to show when ordinary people like you or I screw up a project–such as not measuring the wood the right length, etc. My dad and I used to joke we should have our own show wherein we’d build a project but at some point make a minor error. Instead of fixing it, we just smash the project with sledge hammers and start over. We’d never smash anything to bits at the same time in the show, thus hooking viewers to watch to see when we’d screw up and loose it.

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