Month: October 2004

>Big Orange Survivor Magnolia Week 7 Results

>First, the results of this week’s big contest:

1. How many days on the island will be chronicled in this episode? Three

2. Who is the tribe member without a work ethic? John K.

3. What is the “hard-fought” challenge? Break coconuts, fill half the shell with water, balance it on an obstacle course down to a jug with a line painted on it. Fill the jug to the line then be first back with the jug full.

4. What is the reward? A home cafe–coffee, croissants, juice, coffeemaker for camp (product placement anyone?), letters and pictures from home.

5. Which tribe wins reward? Yasur

6. Which tribe does Jeff Probst single out with a comment first at the Reward Challenge? Lopevi

7. Which challenge brings tribe members to tears–Reward or Immunity? Reward

8. Eliminated due to repetition.

9. Who is the potential target for voting off the island before the Immunity Challenge? Rory

10. Which tribe wins the Immunity Challenge? Yasur

11. Which tribe does Jeff Probst single out with a comment first at the Immunity Challenge? Lopevi

12. Who makes their case at Tribal Council to stay on the island? John K.

13. Does it work? No

14. Who is voted out this week? John K.

Bonus Questions:

15. Will Julie sunbath again this week? No.

16. Will Sarge try to hook up with Twilia? No

17. Two and under OR three or more: Number of people who cry in the episode on camera? Three or more

18. Who gets the first confessional of the week? Chad

19. Who votes first at Tribal Council? Sarge

20. Who votes last at Tribal Council? Chris

And now, the results…

Vickie 41/83

Dar 40/83

Clayton 31/83

Michael 29/83

Amanda 20/83

Leslie 22/83

TW 17/83

Tudy 15/83

Kurt 14/83

Barry 12/83

Danielle 12/83

Jessica 6/83

Bill 2/83

Congratulations to everyone!

Big Orange Survivor Magnolia Week 7 Results

First, the results of this week’s big contest:

1. How many days on the island will be chronicled in this episode? Three

2. Who is the tribe member without a work ethic? John K.

3. What is the “hard-fought” challenge? Break coconuts, fill half the shell with water, balance it on an obstacle course down to a jug with a line painted on it. Fill the jug to the line then be first back with the jug full.

4. What is the reward? A home cafe–coffee, croissants, juice, coffeemaker for camp (product placement anyone?), letters and pictures from home.

5. Which tribe wins reward? Yasur

6. Which tribe does Jeff Probst single out with a comment first at the Reward Challenge? Lopevi

7. Which challenge brings tribe members to tears–Reward or Immunity? Reward

8. Eliminated due to repetition.

9. Who is the potential target for voting off the island before the Immunity Challenge? Rory

10. Which tribe wins the Immunity Challenge? Yasur

11. Which tribe does Jeff Probst single out with a comment first at the Immunity Challenge? Lopevi

12. Who makes their case at Tribal Council to stay on the island? John K.

13. Does it work? No

14. Who is voted out this week? John K.

Bonus Questions:

15. Will Julie sunbath again this week? No.

16. Will Sarge try to hook up with Twilia? No

17. Two and under OR three or more: Number of people who cry in the episode on camera? Three or more

18. Who gets the first confessional of the week? Chad

19. Who votes first at Tribal Council? Sarge

20. Who votes last at Tribal Council? Chris

And now, the results…

Vickie 41/83

Dar 40/83

Clayton 31/83

Michael 29/83

Amanda 20/83

Leslie 22/83

TW 17/83

Tudy 15/83

Kurt 14/83

Barry 12/83

Danielle 12/83

Jessica 6/83

Bill 2/83

Congratulations to everyone!

>Titans tickets!

>Someone at work gave Brian free Titans tickets, which he has passed on to me. (He’s staying home to help the kids trick or treat).

So, that means this Sunday I’ll be dressing up as a Titan’s fan (amazingly the same costume I wear every Sunday they’re playing, unless Washington is playing Dallas and then I wear Redskins gear) and heading up to the Coliseum. Hopefully, this time the Titans won’t figure out I’m in the stadium and win the game. (I’m thinking face paint might disguise me).

I’m now contemplating my wardrobe. I’m a bit superstitious about these things. I firmly believe that it’s certain t-shirts I’ve been wearing this year that are causing this losing streak. I gotta figure out what combination of Titans stuff I need to wear to give them the best chance to win.

It’s so difficult being a sports fan sometimes…

Titans tickets!

Someone at work gave Brian free Titans tickets, which he has passed on to me. (He’s staying home to help the kids trick or treat).

So, that means this Sunday I’ll be dressing up as a Titan’s fan (amazingly the same costume I wear every Sunday they’re playing, unless Washington is playing Dallas and then I wear Redskins gear) and heading up to the Coliseum. Hopefully, this time the Titans won’t figure out I’m in the stadium and win the game. (I’m thinking face paint might disguise me).

I’m now contemplating my wardrobe. I’m a bit superstitious about these things. I firmly believe that it’s certain t-shirts I’ve been wearing this year that are causing this losing streak. I gotta figure out what combination of Titans stuff I need to wear to give them the best chance to win.

It’s so difficult being a sports fan sometimes…

>Theater Thursday

>Scary movies.

It’s that scary time of year again. Halloween. With that in mind…

1) What’s your favorite scary movie?


2) Are you more into the lame scary movies that make you laugh, or the straight up – scare the bejesus out of you – scary movies?

I’d have to say I like both…I love stuff like Attack of the Killer Tomatoes but I also like a good scary movie like Pyscho or Signs.

3) Scary movies – best viewed alone? Or with a crowd?

Depends on who’s in the crowd really…(wink, wink, grin, grin, say NO more!)

BONUS) You’ve parked your behind on the couch for a marathon of scary movies. What 5 scary movies are on your list?

Pyscho, Alien, Bride of Frankenstein, Attack of the Killer Tomatoes, Abbott and Costello Meet Frankenstein

Theater Thursday

Scary movies.

It’s that scary time of year again. Halloween. With that in mind…

1) What’s your favorite scary movie?


2) Are you more into the lame scary movies that make you laugh, or the straight up – scare the bejesus out of you – scary movies?

I’d have to say I like both…I love stuff like Attack of the Killer Tomatoes but I also like a good scary movie like Pyscho or Signs.

3) Scary movies – best viewed alone? Or with a crowd?

Depends on who’s in the crowd really…(wink, wink, grin, grin, say NO more!)

BONUS) You’ve parked your behind on the couch for a marathon of scary movies. What 5 scary movies are on your list?

Pyscho, Alien, Bride of Frankenstein, Attack of the Killer Tomatoes, Abbott and Costello Meet Frankenstein

TV Round-Up: Lost

House of the Rising Sun 

I knew it! I knew it! I knew that either Sun or Jin knew how to speak English! Woo-hoo for me guessing that one right. (I'll admit it's about the only thing I've pegged correctly about the show so far…and I mean that in a good way). Ever week, Lost keeps pulling the unexpected. I fully exepcted that Kate would be part of Jack's party that set up camp in the cave. You'd think she might have the most to lose by being rescued, but she apparently years to get back to civilization. Or maybe it's to get back at Jack for failing to check her out like she thought earlier in the episode (I mean, who wouldn't?!?) Or it could be that Kate realizes that, so far, whatever has been roaming out there in the jungle hasn't put in an appearance on the beach, so why tempt fate by living in the jungle?

Meanwhile, we get a lot of backstory on Sun and Jin and some more fleshing out of the other characters. Locke still continues to intrigue me–I think the whole confrontation with whatever a few weeks back has affected him more than he's saying. He's way too zen, especially based on what how tightly wound we saw him in the flashbacks a few weeks ago. And you have to wonder–will he destroy the drugs that Charlie gave him or use them as leverage later on down the road?

You get the feeling that everyone on the island has an agenda, but we just haven't figured out just what everyone's agenda is yet. I loved how Sayid went and staring making alliances with people just as Jack got back with the decision to move into the cave. I also liked how in the arguement of where to live, there wasn't a "right" or a "wrong' answer but shades of gray to it. Do you go for short-term and hope that a rescue plane or ship comes by or do you go long-term and live in the cave? I've got to wonder why they didn't set up some type of system where there's a rotation for being on bonfire duty and then everyone can live in the cave to be closer to the only source of fresh water around. It seems to make sense, but then again I'm not out on my own in the wilderness facing heaven only knows what.

>Channel surfing

>So, last night after I watched my videotape of Lost, I went channel surfing (forgot there was new South Park on last night, blast it all!). After checking out the baseball game score (sorry, I just can’t get into baseball on TV) I kept flipping around and came across the most bizarre little piece of television broadcasting I’d ever seen.

To set the stage–apparently Murfressboro has a couple of public access TV stations. Now, in the past, I’ve seen things like news from MTSU with students who are obviously getting some experience for broadcasting classes. But tongiht, I flipped past to see a giant green screen with two attractive girls dancing about in front of it. Never being one to pass up the opportunity to view attractive females without seeming like a complete stalker, I stopped for a moment. Also, it was one of those–what the hell?!? type of things. I notice the top of the screen there is text that says something like “Live from the LRC. Yes, really live!” and then on the bottom it had a phone number to call–though for what purpose, I couldn’t quite figure out. We then cut away to the DJ booth and people flipping through books of CDs for the next song. Oh yeah, I almost forgot–there was a girl there who had on a pink wig, ala Sydney from season one of Alias and a guy trolling for a date by holding up a sign with his phone number on it.

The song comes to end and I’m hoping that maybe there will some explanation of what this is and why it’s on public access (OK, beyond the obvious). Nope…instead we get the female DJ encouraging everyone to get out and dance and then she launches into one of the greatest dance songs of all time…Cyndi Lauper’s “She Bop.” Now, I’ve not heard “She Bop’ in years, but blast it if it isn’t still one of those songs that will get in your head and never leave! I am still hearing it go through my head even as I type this! I am thinking–well, I have no clue, no do I care when…a couple of more girls come into the frame and start dancing. One of them is an a little red, strapless dress and she’s dancing about in such a way (well, dancing being a relative term) that some slippage is occurring. This leads to the hilarity of watching her move above and about every minute have to stop and adjust the front of her dress so things don’t come spilling out. Meanwhile, the song changes to “Love Shack” and then some other dance numbers. I keep hoping against hope that they’ll tell me what this is and why it’s on the air, but nothing. We see a cut to a carved Jack-O-Lantern, so all I can assume is that this is some group’s Halloween party and they thought a way to get people to run down there and join in was to broadcast it on public access.

But you know, I am sad to say that my life is so empty that I actually kept flipping back in my channel surfing to see what was going on and if we’d ever find out what this was and why it was on. So, if anyone else saw it or knows what it was and why it was on, please let me know. Otherwise, I’m afraid I may go slowly insnae–OK, more insane than I already am.

Channel surfing

So, last night after I watched my videotape of Lost, I went channel surfing (forgot there was new South Park on last night, blast it all!). After checking out the baseball game score (sorry, I just can’t get into baseball on TV) I kept flipping around and came across the most bizarre little piece of television broadcasting I’d ever seen.

To set the stage–apparently Murfressboro has a couple of public access TV stations. Now, in the past, I’ve seen things like news from MTSU with students who are obviously getting some experience for broadcasting classes. But tongiht, I flipped past to see a giant green screen with two attractive girls dancing about in front of it. Never being one to pass up the opportunity to view attractive females without seeming like a complete stalker, I stopped for a moment. Also, it was one of those–what the hell?!? type of things. I notice the top of the screen there is text that says something like “Live from the LRC. Yes, really live!” and then on the bottom it had a phone number to call–though for what purpose, I couldn’t quite figure out. We then cut away to the DJ booth and people flipping through books of CDs for the next song. Oh yeah, I almost forgot–there was a girl there who had on a pink wig, ala Sydney from season one of Alias and a guy trolling for a date by holding up a sign with his phone number on it.

The song comes to end and I’m hoping that maybe there will some explanation of what this is and why it’s on public access (OK, beyond the obvious). Nope…instead we get the female DJ encouraging everyone to get out and dance and then she launches into one of the greatest dance songs of all time…Cyndi Lauper’s “She Bop.” Now, I’ve not heard “She Bop’ in years, but blast it if it isn’t still one of those songs that will get in your head and never leave! I am still hearing it go through my head even as I type this! I am thinking–well, I have no clue, no do I care when…a couple of more girls come into the frame and start dancing. One of them is an a little red, strapless dress and she’s dancing about in such a way (well, dancing being a relative term) that some slippage is occurring. This leads to the hilarity of watching her move above and about every minute have to stop and adjust the front of her dress so things don’t come spilling out. Meanwhile, the song changes to “Love Shack” and then some other dance numbers. I keep hoping against hope that they’ll tell me what this is and why it’s on the air, but nothing. We see a cut to a carved Jack-O-Lantern, so all I can assume is that this is some group’s Halloween party and they thought a way to get people to run down there and join in was to broadcast it on public access.

But you know, I am sad to say that my life is so empty that I actually kept flipping back in my channel surfing to see what was going on and if we’d ever find out what this was and why it was on. So, if anyone else saw it or knows what it was and why it was on, please let me know. Otherwise, I’m afraid I may go slowly insnae–OK, more insane than I already am.


>House of the Rising Sun

I knew it! I knew it! I knew that either Sun or Jin knew how to speak English! Woo-hoo for me guessing that one right. (I’ll admit it’s about the only thing I’ve pegged correctly about the show so far…and I mean that in a good way). Ever week, Lost keeps pulling the unexpected. I fully exepcted that Kate would be part of Jack’s party that set up camp in the cave. You’d think she might have the most to lose by being rescued, but she apparently years to get back to civilization. Or maybe it’s to get back at Jack for failing to check her out like she thought earlier in the episode (I mean, who wouldn’t?!?) Or it could be that Kate realizes that, so far, whatever has been roaming out there in the jungle hasn’t put in an appearance on the beach, so why tempt fate by living in the jungle?

Meanwhile, we get a lot of backstory on Sun and Jin and some more fleshing out of the other characters. Locke still continues to intrigue me–I think the whole confrontation with whatever a few weeks back has affected him more than he’s saying. He’s way too zen, especially based on what how tightly wound we saw him in the flashbacks a few weeks ago. And you have to wonder–will he destroy the drugs that Charlie gave him or use them as leverage later on down the road?

You get the feeling that everyone on the island has an agenda, but we just haven’t figured out just what everyone’s agenda is yet. I loved how Sayid went and staring making alliances with people just as Jack got back with the decision to move into the cave. I also liked how in the arguement of where to live, there wasn’t a “right” or a “wrong’ answer but shades of gray to it. Do you go for short-term and hope that a rescue plane or ship comes by or do you go long-term and live in the cave? I’ve got to wonder why they didn’t set up some type of system where there’s a rotation for being on bonfire duty and then everyone can live in the cave to be closer to the only source of fresh water around. It seems to make sense, but then again I’m not out on my own in the wilderness facing heaven only knows what.