>It’s already started.

>I had to run into Wal-Mart this evening to pick up some buttermilk for the “from scratch” pancakes in the morning.

Apparently I wasn’t the only one with the brilliant idea to run into Wal-Mart. And apparently everyone else has left common courtesy at home. I can’t tell you how many times I was almost run over with a cart or walked in front of. Then, in the parking lot, I’m trying to get out and this lady in a mini-van sits and blocks the aisle for five minutes waiting for somone to come out and pull out close to the store. Now, don’t get me wrong–I can see if you saw someone get in a car in a prime parking space…I have no problem with that one. But when you sit and wait on the off chance someone might come out…that bugs me.

And the bad part is–it’s only gonna get worse.

You know, I may seriously look into doing most of my shopping on-line this year.

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